The Name of the Cat: Dodd, Mead, 1988; Ballantine, 1989;
Akadine, 2002; HarperCollins, 2010 (as Secrets of the Cat)
Secrets of the Cat was first published in 1988 as The Name of the Cat, illustrated by Barbara's daughter, Emily. The new introduction and updated chapters in the latest edition, brought out in 2010 by HarperCollins, was Barbara's last work.
"There is always something fresh and fascinating to say about cats, and Barbara Holland has done so with grace, wit, and perception. She has observed her subjects with loving insight and has captivated her readers with her style and charm. Cats demand the best from their biographers, and The Name of the Cat gives us that in full measure." --Lloyd Alexander, author of My Five Tigers Excerpt from the chapter "Smart Like Us": "Sidney, probably the least intelligent, has the largest vocabulary. He believes that a cat can penetrate a windowpane with a bird on the other side of it by standing on his hind legs and swimming violently on the glass with his front paws, and he has believed this for seventeen years in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, but he has a marvelous range of vocal expressions. Some of it means something...." Reviews and copies of Secrets of the Cat for sale: HarperCollins Goodreads Amazon LibraryThing Barbara's next book >
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