You can barely go to the grocery store, let alone feed yourself. Yet you must cope with many urgent bureaucrats....
The funeral home's handout said you'd feel as if you were going crazy, so don't worry about it.
Congratulations if you're getting through your chores while weeping; this multi-tasking skill will serve you well.
Bring on the estate tax attorneys.
It will get better, but not yet.... Watch your step! Survey says you'll trip and fall a few times.
Be a good widow/er, and choose not to mention death to ... random folks in elevators.
Here comes your partner's birthday. ... Light a candle, and go ahead and cry.
Remind yourself of the funeral home's warning about feeling insane. It's normal!
Let those past purchases shred your heart a little, too, as the memories go by. (Thanks to Elena Bouvier for permission to use contact sheets.)
"My advice is, don't ever die" puts well-wishers at ease while not deprecating your loss.
Holidays are hard: do what you need to do to take care of yourself.
It's been a year. As you rebuild your life, remember that it's not a faithless act to enjoy moments of serenity. May those moments multiply and grow into lighter days for you.